
Our generation is in the midst of the greatest identity crisis we have ever seen.  The enemy has purposely stripped them of whom God has called them to be and society has stamped labels all over them. Whether they are called GenX, Y, or Z, I am privileged to teach people who God is and whom He has created them to be so they can walk in His victorious plan; realizing their greatest satisfaction is in understanding their calling and living a life of purpose. Our true identity is not in any acronym, symbol or label but is only found IN Christ. When we don’t know Christ, we won’t know who we are. More than ever before, in the midst of confusion, this is a generation that is seeking answers for their lives. It’s so much easier to face the test when you know the answers! I believe that no matter what you may be facing in your life, the Word is ALWAYS your answer. If you’ll get into the Word of God and find scriptures that describe your circumstance, you will find your way out! 

Panel 1

Meet Jenny

DSC_0524 (4)Jenny is a minister, teacher, writer, mentor, and certified Christian life coach. Married in 1995 to her best friend, Chad, she graduated from Rhema Bible Training College in 1997 (Chad in ’96) and immediately they embarked on an adventure in ministry, serving in just about every capacity in the local church. Her favorite expression of her calling was as a stay-at-home/homeschool mom for twenty years to their two treasures, Landon, and Cosette. 

The thing she enjoys most is just simply encouraging others with the Word of God in a down-to-earth, practical way;  that no matter what you may be facing in your life, the Word is ALWAYS your answer. Only understanding who God is and who He has created you to be is the key to walking a life of victory. That God’s Word, when believed as truth and acted on in faith, becomes a bridge under your feet to move you out of your situation and into your dream destination!

When she has free time, you can find her with a mug of coffee or tea, a good book, or decorating her cozy home.

Panel 2


Panel 3

Invite Jenny

Thank you for your interest in scheduling Jenny for your event, service or conference. Please fill out the form below to check on availability.


Panel 4

See Jenny


Hear What People Are Saying About Jenny

Coaching has taught me to give myself permission to not be perfect, to release impossible expectations for myself and others, and how to accept and manage my emotions without letting them control me or ignoring them altogether. The most important thing I’ve learned from coaching with Jenny is that I do have a say in my life: I do not have to be a victim to my moods, my emotions, or my circumstances. Coaching has helped me see that change IS possible!”

Cati, Coaching Client 

 “I was the Wife & Mom who would react (act) in my circumstances instead of taking a minute to stop and think before I spoke or in most cases yelled, which hurt them. It also hurt me because the guilt would set in. But through these amazing weeks, I learned to think before I feel & feel before I act, and let me tell you how freeing it is. Jenny taught me & helped me see that I can’t control outward circumstances or what other people do, say or think.  It has been so amazing to see The Lord change me over these past few months & become the woman I never thought I could be. I’ve tried so many other things but working with Jenny and actually DOING THE WORK has changed my life & my family’s life.”

Billie, Coaching Client 

“When I first thought about talking to a life coach I thought…can I really be this vulnerable and honest with another human being in order for this to work? And, can I really commit to putting my needs first as a wife and a mother?  However, as the weeks went by, I realized that it wasn’t about being vulnerable with someone else. It was about being open and vulnerable with myself while having someone alongside me and asking the right questions. Questions that I couldn’t seem to find within myself to ask. This wasn’t just a commitment to put myself first it ended up being the best thing I could have ever done for my family. I have achieved emotional freedom and will forever be changed. Does it mean I’m done learning? No. Does it mean I no longer have to try? No. Does it mean I will no longer have bad days? No. But I now have the tools to bring myself back from those hard places, and those difficult emotions without having to stay there. They are just moments that no longer define who I am or who I will be. The Lord tells me who I am and already has plans for who I will become.”

Mandy, Coaching Client

“Meeting with my life coach, Jenny, over the last three months has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Not only do I feel truly supported in my journey, but my emotions don’t control me like they used to. I’m so glad to be in an emotionally healthy place.” 

Rachel, Coaching Client

“I feel like I’m in a better place with my husband, my son, and my anxiety.  Just looking at things from a different perspective has given me a better outlook on how to handle situations.  I feel that I’m better with my son and not so extreme with him.  I’ve learned to stop, think, and then respond. I’m learning how to express myself to my husband without trying to prove a point or have the last word.  I’m also learning not to overthink things when others respond or don’t respond.  Sometimes it’s their own thoughts that drive their own feelings and reactions (thank you for teaching me this).” 

Anonymous, Coaching Client

“Jenny is passionate about God’s Word and the truths that lie within, and that passion comes through powerfully when she speaks. Whenever I’m honored to hear her speak, I come away emboldened by the truth and encouraged in my walk with Jesus.”

Sara Pielaet, Founder, Homeschool Moms Rest

“It has been my pleasure to work with Jenny Rieflin in the ministry at our church.  She is a dynamic speaker who passionately shares God’s truths.  Jenny is warm, genuine and authentic, her heart will move you closer to Jesus.  As a person, she has been a role model for others to follow and truly reflects godly character.  I highly recommend Jenny as a speaker and leader.”

Bob Claffey, Senior Pastor, Victory Community Church

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